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尋找林嘉寶 ​

2015   ​
與林笑瑛合作 ​

這項目以由虛構人物「林嘉寶」遺漏的餸籃,引發起社區第三者與家庭主婦的交流。創作以好奇心介入家庭主婦的日常生活,家庭主婦尋覓社區中的虛構人物;而我們則在探索社區中的家庭主婦的特質。   從親身交流過程,我們以好奇心建立信任,也紀錄主婦對日常生活的思索,討論出最能代表她們的物件 - 一味又一味的餸。

Seeking Lam Ka Bo ​

2015 ​
Coperated with LAM Siu Ying ​
Location: 15 Light Rail Stations of Tin Shui Wai Circular Route Duration: 3 Months  

The experimental social project is to trigger the curiosity  from the housewives, by means of a missing basket from a fictional character  "LAM Ka Bo". The housewives are seeking someone in the neighborhood; while we are exploring the characteristics of each particular housewives. ​​ In each dialogue, we buildt up trust. We documented their thoughts on daily route as housewives and discussed one representative object which may response to their lives - Dishes.   ​ ​ ​ ​

*Is it your basket 03.jpg


Sanbeiji Rice

*Is it your basket 01.jpg

Fried Beef with Chinese Cabbage

*Is it your basket 02.jpg

Steamed Eggs with Broccoli

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